Hopper & Joey

Record up to six live HD channels at once* and stream four HD programs to different TVs simultaneously. That means you can watch more and miss less of your favorite programs.
Record over 250 hours of HD programming - the most available from any TV provider! Plus, hundreds of On Demand titles are available for instant viewing.
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Hopper 3
Strike up a conversation with the new Hopper 3 and discover a DVR that understands you,
makes complicated things easy, and reinvents the way you enjoy TV.
Watch and record up to 16 shows at once – 2 times more than our competition.
The Hopper 3 was built to solve TV's biggest problems, like recording conflicts, watching multiple shows in primetime, or catching all the big games on at the same time.
Hopper Duo Smart DVR
The Hopper Duo Smart DVR gives you faster performance with a modern user interface while providing support for up to two HD TVs in your home when paired with a Joey. Hopper Duos come with our Voice Remote and our customer-favorite remote finder and record in HD with the ability to store up to 125 hours of HD recordings. Watch On Demand TV from your phone, tablet, and computer. It also allows you to watch 2 shows at once using Picture-in-Picture and even allows you to start a show in one room and pick it up where you left off in another with a consistent experience on every screen.
Wireless Joey
Expand your TV universe with the Wireless Joey, a wireless TV receiver from DISH that brings the functionality of your Hopper DVR to other TVs in your house. You can pair up to three Joeys with your Hopper DVR and watch live, recorded, and on-demand programming anywhere you have a TV. As an extension of your Hopper, you use the Joey with the same DVR content, menus, programming guide and commands.
* During primetime hours
HD Receivers

DuoDVR ViP 722
The DuoDVR ViP 722 connects to two TV's - one high definition (HD) and one standard definition (SD). Support independent viewing on separate TV's and simultaneous recording while watching another program. Record more of what you love - up to 350 hours of SD programming and up to 55 hours of HD programming.